Thursday, September 17, 2009

Chem Class- September 17, 2009

Today in Chem Class, we did a few more examples of Dimensional Analysis.

Ex) Change 120 kg into mg

120 kg x 1000 g/ 1 kg =  120 000 g x 1000/ 1 mg = 120 000 000 mg
The higlighted units are being cancelled.

Ex) 7.25 L/s into mL/min

7.25 L/ 1 s x 60 s/ 1 min x 1000 mL/ 1 L = 435 000 mL/min
The higlighted units are being cancelled.

Ex) 174 kg/s into Mg/h

174 kg/ 1 s x 3600 s/ 1 h x 1000 g/ 1 kg x 1 Mg/ 1 000 000 g = 626.4 Mg/ h
The highlighted units are being cancelled.

After we finished the examples, we went into our lab groups to do an expreiment that involved table salt and water.

The problem for this experiment is: What is the maximum amount of Sodium Chloride (Table Salt) you can dissolve in 200 mL of water? To find out, you first have to weigh 50 g of Sodium Chloride. Then, add the sodium chloride to 10, 20, 30 and 40 mL of distilled water until it stops dissolving (the solution is saturated) and the first salt crystals being appearing on the bottom of a beaker. After that, measure the mass of salt remaining. Finally record all the data in a table and graph the results of Mass of Salt vs Volume of Water. We can't tell you the results yet, because not all of use have done the Lab yet.

In fact, because we have a large class, only half performed the experiment and the other half will be going next class. Those that did not do the Lab, worked on a Conversion Worksheet that will be due on Monday. When the class was over, Mr. D told us that we would be having a chapter test on Wednesday! So fast huh?! Well, we'd better study hard!

1 comment:

  1. When you do your lab write up you'll need to include an experimental error anaylsis. Do you remember the formula to find that?
